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Management Philosophy and Structure

The development of managers and staff is one of the most important responsibilities we have as business owners and operators. Continuing education and training are crucial to a long and successful career.

FPC facility managers are the focal point in the decision making process at FPC facilities. A comprehensive operating plan and budget are prepared annually by the managers, in consultation with corporate management for approval by ownership. This operating plan defines the overall facility goals and current year objectives – both operational and financial. The budget is then developed with monthly detail to be compatible with the goals and objectives. Once approved, the operating plan and budget provide each facility manager with the parameters and objectives from which decisions can be made. This permits the management plans to be responsive to the needs and expectations of the residents served and avoids pyramiding the decision making process to a remote corporate office staff.

Important attributes are sought when selecting and evaluating potential FPC managers and administrators. They must be appropriately qualified and licensed to serve in the particular environment and facility where employed. They must possess business skills and knowledge necessary to properly utilize staff and make decisions necessary for the effective marketing and management of a senior services facility. They must respect older persons for their abilities, wisdom and desire and capacity to live independently and with dignity as long as possible. They must possess and communicate a real sense of caring for others.

Foundation Properties Corporation | 9360 E Central #102 | Wichita, KS 67206
Phone: 316.733.1144 | Fax: 316.733.6386

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